Trump Made Cancer Treatment Worse for Rural Residents and Minorities

Trump removed FDA guidance on making sure clinical trials for cancer drugs consider "...racial and ethnic minorities, individuals who live in rural areas, sexual and gender minorities, and individuals with economic, linguistic, or cultural barriers to healthcare services."

Our Analysis

Trump removed FDA guidance on making sure clinical trials for cancer drugs consider "...racial and ethnic minorities, individuals who live in rural areas, sexual and gender minorities, and individuals with economic, linguistic, or cultural barriers to healthcare services."

For medical treatment to work, it has to be tested on a wide range of people from different areas, populations, and yes, races, due to biological differences. Studies show that this is a widespread issue, with medical devices and treatments usually only primarily tested on white males, making it hard to even know if they are effected for women and minorities.

Trump's actions make drugs less safe for women and minorities.


Both sides aren't the same:

What the "other side" did

The Biden Administration's FDA issued guidance requiring clinical trials to make sure that “...participants in clinical trials should be representative of the patients who will use the medical products,” improving treatment quality and safety in the full US population regardless of race, gender, or other demographics.
